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BadgerCare Plus


Our BadgerCare Plus plan includes a range of benefits. View the benefits below to see all that it offers. It's for pregnant women, children to age 19, families and adults.

More information on eligibility and enrollment can be found on the Wisconsin Department of Health Services website.

혜택 및 특징

건강 및 질병 관리

Get the care you need to stay healthy — or to get better if you are injured or sick. And pregnant members get extra support to keep you and your baby healthy.

Some member benefits include:

  • Preventive Care. Well visits and a variety of health screenings to keep you healthy.
  • Doctor Visits. Find a doctor you trust in our network. Don't have a doctor? We will help you find one.
  • Hospital and Emergency Care. Your plan covers emergency room and inpatient hospital stays when needed.
  • Nurse Hotline. Speak with a registered nurse 24/7.
  • Lab and X-Rays. Lab tests, x-rays and diagnostic imaging are covered.

There is no copayment for covered well and sick care.

Nothing is more important than the health and well-being of a pregnant member and their child. 그게 바로 당사의 플랜이 다음과 같은 혜택을 제공하는 이유입니다:
  • Choice of Doctors. Find a doctor you trust in our network.
  • Prenatal Visits. Care for you before your baby is born.
  • Babyscripts. The Babyscripts program rewards you for going to your prenatal and postpartum visits. Earn gift cards for signing up and pregnancy care.
  • Choice of Birth Centers. Pick from a large network of hospitals across Wisconsin.
  • Text4baby. Receive text messages with helpful tips and reminders.
  • Wellhop for Mom & Baby. Connect with a community of moms. Get support and information as you welcome your baby.

There is no copayment for covered pregnancy care.


If you have asthma, diabetes, or another chronic condition, you can depend on us. Our plan provides the care, support and services you need. Some benefits include:

  • Mental Health. Counseling and other treatments are covered.
  • Substance Use Disorder. Counseling, Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) and other treatments are covered. Also supported: care coordination with community and social supports, including Hub and Spoke (H&S) Integrated Recovery Support Services Health Homes for SUD.
  • Care Manager. Get personal help managing health conditions.
  • Disease Management. Focused care for those with chronic health needs like asthma and diabetes.

Behavioral health is just as important as physical health. 당사가 둘 다를 보장하는 이유입니다.

Our plan supports your behavioral health by offering services such as:

  • Mental health counseling and other treatments.
  • Substance abuse (alcohol and drugs) counseling and other treatments.
  • Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT).
  • Coordination with community and social supports, including Hub and Spoke (H&S) Integrated Recovery Support Services Health Homes for SUD.
  • Online self-care tools, such as Sanvello.
  • Access to telehealth appointments for behavioral health treatment.
  • 24/7 access to behavioral health crisis support.

There is no copayment for covered behavioral health services

We help members keep their eyesight, smile and hearing at their best.

Some benefits include:

  • Vision Care. Exams and eyeglasses are covered.
  • Dental Care. For individuals and families living in Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Washington or Waukesha Counties, dental services like cleanings, checkups and preventive dental work are covered by UnitedHealthcare. If you live in any other county, you may get dental services from any dentist who will accept your ForwardHealth ID card. Your dental services are provided by the State of Wisconsin, not UnitedHealthcare.
  • Hearing Care. Tests, checkups and hearing aids, if needed.

You get the medical care and equipment needed to live safely at home.

Some benefits include:

  • Equipment and Supplies. In-home medical and safety equipment are covered.
  • Home Health Care. Medical and personal care in your home, if medically needed.

There is no copayment for covered home care and supplies.

Sometimes members need a little extra help using their health plan.

For those times, they can rely on:

  • 언어 지원. Translated materials and interpreters who are ready to help.
  • 가입자 서비스. Available 7am-7pm (CST)
  • Member Advocate. Local advocates to get you information, services and care.
  • Babyscripts. Get extra support and rewards to keep you and your baby healthy.
  • Nurse Hotline℠. 등록된 간호사와 주 7일/하루 24시간, 언제든지 상담할 수 있습니다.
  • Reminder Programs. We will remind you about important health actions including diabetes testing, breast cancer screening, childhood immunizations and recertification. Some programs have incentives for completing needed health actions.

UnitedHealthcare members can get rides to their appointments through the state’s non-emergency transportation (NEMT) broker.

To schedule a ride, contact 866-907-1493.


The Babyscripts program rewards you for going to your prenatal and postpartum visits. Members can earn gift cards for signing up and for receiving routine pregnancy care that leads to a healthy birth.

케어 관리사

Do you have a serious health problem? If so, our care managers are in your corner. 다음을 수행합니다.

  • 의학 용어를 쉬운 말로 설명합니다.
  • Coordinate your doctor appointments.
  • Provide your care team with your medical records.

The care manager will stay close by throughout the medical journey. 다음을 수행합니다.

  • Think beyond your immediate health care needs.
  • Make sure you have support at home.
  • Help connect you with services and supports that help you live a healthier life, such as food, housing. and/or transportation resources.

카이로프랙틱 서비스

Whether chiropractor services are your primary or alternative treatment method, you're covered.

This benefit is provided by the State of Wisconsin and you can get chiropractic treatment by any chiropractor who will accept your ForwardHealth ID card.

There may be copayments for chiropractic services provided by the State of Wisconsin

출산 센터의 선택

Where a pregnant person has their baby is an important choice. That's why pregnant people can pick from a large number of hospitals across Wisconsin.

We encourage parents-to-be to tour the hospital's birthing center. This way they will be familiar with it. And be more relaxed when they have their baby.

의사 선택

Each member can choose a primary care physician (PCP). Use the "Doctor Lookup" tool to see if your doctor is in our network.

The PCP is your main doctor for:

  • 예방적 건강 관리
  • 질병 또는 상해에 대한 치료
  • 특정 상태에 대한 전문가 소개

For members who don't have a doctor or whose doctor is not in our network, we can help find a new one close by.

치아 관리

Exams and cleanings are covered to help keep teeth and gums strong and healthy. If there is a dental problem that needs to be fixed, that's covered as well.

If you live in Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Washington or Waukesha Counties, your dental benefits are provided by UnitedHealthcare Community Plan. There is no copayment for covered dental services provided by UnitedHealthcare in these counties.

If you live outside of Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Washington or Waukesha Counties, you may get dental services from any dentist who will accept your ForwardHealth ID card. Your dental services are provided by the State, not UnitedHealthcare. There may be copayments for dental services provided by the State.

질병 관리

당사 질병 관리 서비스는 만성 질병 또는 고위험 질병을 앓고 있는 가입자를 위해 설계되었습니다.

당사는 다음 질병에 대해 특별한 프로그램을 마련하고 있습니다.

  • 만성 폐쇄성 폐 질환(COPD)
  • Coronary artery disease (CAD)
  • Congestive heart failure (CHF)
  • 당뇨병
  • High Risk Pregnancy and NICU
  • 겸상적 혈구병

장비 및 소모품

가정에서 안전하게 생활하기 위해 추가적인 지원이 필요한 가입자도 있습니다.

당사의 플랜은 담당 의사 또는 사례 관리자가 주문하는 의료 장비를 보장해 드립니다.

다음과 같은 소모품이 필요할 수 있습니다.

  • 병상
  • 산소 탱크
  • 휠체어 또는 보행보조기구

There is no copayment for covered medical equipment and supplies.

Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs)

Your UnitedHealthcare Community Plan is proud to offer you access to Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) across the state.

Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) “are community-based and patient-directed organizations that deliver comprehensive, culturally competent, high-quality primary health care services to the nation’s most vulnerable individuals and families, including people experiencing homelessness, agricultural workers, residents of public housing, and veterans.” *

In addition to primary care, FQHCs provide access to important services such as pharmacy, mental health, substance use disorder treatments and oral health services (dental). This means that you may be able to get all of these important services at one place.

To find a FQHC in your community, the state of Wisconsin maintains a list of FQHCS in the state. You can also contact member services and they can help find a primary care provider within a FQHC to be your provider.

* https://bphc.hrsa.gov/about-health-centers/what-health-center

발 관리

We provide the exams needed to help keep feet in great shape. And for those with diabetes, good foot care can help prevent much more serious problems.

발치료 보험 적용 범위는 다음과 같습니다.

  • Routine foot exams.
  • 발 관리 및 알맞은 신발 선택에 대한 팁
  • 신경 손상의 위험 신호에 대한 정보

There is no copayment for covered foot care visits.

Healthy First Steps®

Build a healthy future for you and your baby with Healthy First Steps. 저희 프로그램은 귀하와 아기를 건강하게 유지하기 위한 올바른 조치를 취할 것입니다.

당사는 다음과 같은 경우에 가입자에게 도움을 드립니다.

  • 임신 진료 제공자 및 소아과 의사(소아 의사)를 선택하는 경우.
  • 진료 및 검진을 예약하고 병원 방문을 위한 교통편을 준비하는 경우.
  • Get supplies, including breast pumps for nursing pregnant members.
  • Connect with community resources such as Women, Infants and Children (WIC) services or Prenatal Care Coordination through a local, community-based agency.

청력 관리

Trouble hearing can affect a person's life in many ways. 당사 플랜에는 청력을 보호하는 데 도움이 되는 서비스 및 지원이 포함되어 있습니다.

보장 내용은 다음과 같습니다.

  • 검사, 치료 및 테스트
  • 보청기 및 배터리

There is no copayment for covered hearing care and equipment.


After surgery or a serious illness, you may need extra help with day-to-day tasks. 회복 상태를 확인하기 위한 가정 방문 진료가 필요할 수도 있습니다.

With approval from your doctor, our plan covers:

  • In-home medical visits.
  • 병원 침대, 보행 보조기, 휠체어 등의 의료 장비
  • Disposable medical supplies
  • Help with personal care

There is no copayment for covered home health care visits


UnitedHealthcare Community Plan pays for expenses related to a hospital stay.

보장 내용은 다음과 같습니다.

  • 간호
  • 숙식
  • 소모품 및 장비
  • 치료 및 요법
  • 진단 검사 및 검진

퇴원한 후에도 혼자가 아닙니다. 자택에서 후속 치료를 통해 계속 치료를 받을 수 있도록 보장해 줍니다.

There is no copayment for covered hospitalizations.


UnitedHealthcare offers services to help you talk with your doctor or other health care workers. You can get this service if you do not speak 영어 or have hearing and speech barriers. You do not need a referral from your doctor to get these services.

Interpreter services are offered free of charge.

To ask for help with interpreter services, please call 1-800-504-9660, TTY 711. Representatives are available Monday through Friday from 7:00 오전 -7:00 오후 Central Time.

검사실 및 X-레이

문제가 무엇인지 알고 또 이를 일찍 발견할 수 있다면 그 차이는 큽니다.

당사 플랜은 다음을 보장합니다.

  • 검사실 및 검사
  • X-레이, 스캔 및 기타 영상 처리

건강을 개선하거나 최상의 상태를 유지하는 데 필요한 정보를 얻을 수 있도록 지원해 드립니다.

There is no copayment for covered lab and x-ray services.

언어 지원

원하는 언어로 정보를 받을 수 있습니다. 요청하기만 하면 됩니다. We also have people at our member service centers who speak more than one language. 당사는 여러 언어의 통역자를 보유하고 있습니다.


Prescriptions and certain over-the-counter items are provided by the State of Wisconsin.

You may receive a prescription from a UnitedHealthcare doctor, specialist or dentist. You can fill your prescription at any pharmacy that is a provider for BadgerCare Plus. Just show your ForwardHealth ID card to the pharmacy when you get your prescriptions filled. For questions about pharmacy, please contact the State of Wisconsin at 1-800-362-3002.

You may have copayments or have limits on covered medications that are administered by the State of Wisconsin.

Member Advocate

UnitedHealthcare가 여러분을 지켜 드립니다. Our local member advocates can help solve problems, provide training and education, and work on issues that concern members. Local member advocates are available at 1-888-246-8140 Monday through Friday, 8:00 오전-4:30 오후 Central Standard Time.

Our Member Advocates can:

  • Answer your questions about your benefits.
  • 의사 문제 또는 불만을 해결하도록 돕습니다.
  • Help you recertify your health care benefits.

가입자 서비스

때로 의료 서비스 옵션을 이해하는 데 약간의 도움이 필요할 수 있습니다. With us, you have someone you can call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You can connect with one of our member call center advocates Monday through Friday from 7am to 7pm by calling 1-800-504-9660, TTY 711. 귀하의 질문에 이해하기 쉬운 방식으로 완벽하게 대답해 드립니다.

We can answer your questions about UnitedHealthcare benefits and coverage, and help you find:

  • A primary care provider for you and your family.
  • 가정 의료 서비스 제공자.
  • Dentists and vision providers.
  • Adult day health centers.

In addition, when you have questions about your health, you can call a nurse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at no cost to you via our Nurse Hotline 1-866-827-0806.

간호사 핫라인

Medical questions and situations sometimes happen at bad times. When you have questions about your health, you can call a nurse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at no cost to you

당사 간호사는 다음을 도와드립니다.

  • Listen and learn about your symptoms.
  • 자기 관리 지원
  • 의사 방문 시 또는 응급 치료 센터에서 진료를 받는 방법에 관해 조언합니다.
  • 응급실에 가야 할 때를 알려드립니다.


개인 위생

Sometimes the basics are hard to do yourself in your home after an illness or injury.

필요한 경우 다음을 보조할 사람을 제공합니다.

  • 옷입기
  • 목욕
  • 식사
  • Other eligible activities of daily living

There is no copayment for covered personal care services.

태아기 진료

Your pregnancy is a journey you'll want to make with the help of friends, family and a pregnancy doctor, or OB-GYN.

당사 플랜에서는 권장되는 모든 태아기 임상 진료 및 검사가 보장됩니다.

이러한 진료 시 클리닉에서는 다음을 수행합니다.

  • Make sure both you and your baby are healthy.
  • 임신의 각 단계에서 예상되는 상황을 설명합니다.
  • 질문에 대답해 드립니다.

There are no copayments for covered prenatal visits and care


대부분의 사람들은 흡연이 건강에 미치는 악영향을 알고 있습니다. 금연해야 한다는 사실도 압니다. We support our members to help them quit. 강의만 제공하는 것은 아닙니다.

When you are ready to make the change and are looking for more information, the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line can help you. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW, text READY to “200-400” or log onto www.quitline.wisc.edu to learn more about supports and services that can help you quit.

Skilled Nursing Home Care

After a serious illness, surgery or injury, you may need extra nursing and therapy. In these situations, our plan covers short stays in a rehabilitation center where you can heal.

포함되는 항목:

  • Skilled Nursing Home Care.
  • 24시간 간호 케어
  • 일상 생활 활동 보조

There are no copayments for covered skilled nursing home care

Social Drivers of Health

Did you know that 80% of our health comes from where we work and play and not the doctor’s office? Food, housing, employment and education all play an important role in our health and the health of our families.

To help you and your family achieve their best health, we offer screenings to identify barriers to key social drivers of health such as food insecurity and poor housing. Based on your individual responses, we can help identify local community resources to help you address these barriers and access supports that will help you reach your health goals.

치료 서비스

Physical, occupational and speech therapy can help members recover from a serious injury or illness, or simply reach their full potential.

Our plan covers visits for:

  • 작업 치료
  • 물리 치료
  • 언어 치료
  • 재가 치료

There is no copayment for covered therapy visits.


BadgerCare Plus provides non-emergency medical transportation to and from health care appointments through a transportation broker.

This benefit includes trips to:

  • Doctor and therapy visits.
  • 응급 치료 센터
  • Diagnostic testing.

To schedule a ride, contact 866-907-1493.


You’ll get the care, eyeglasses and treatment that let you see life more clearly.

보험 적용 범위:

  • Regular exams.
  • Up to two pairs of eyeglass frames each year.
  • Prescription lenses for your eyeglasses.

There is no copayment for covered vision services.

건강 진료

담당 의사에게 건강 진료를 받으면 건강을 유지할 수 있습니다. 이러한 방문으로 건강 문제를 조기에 발견하여 치료를 받을 수 있습니다.

예방 서비스에는 연간 건강검진이

  • 성인 및 어린이를 위한 검진
  • 건강한 육아 진료
  • Care for pregnant people expecting a baby.
  • 정기 예방 주사 및 검사
  • 유방 X선 사진

예방 치료에는 본인 부담금이 없습니다.

Wellhop for Mom & Baby

Connect with other expectant parents. Get support and information during your pregnancy and after you deliver. This program is part of your health plan and there is no extra cost to you.

Here’s how it works:

  • Join video conversations every other week with pregnant people who have similar due dates and a group leader.
  • Chat and share experiences with participants from your group on the Wellhop app or website.
  • Visit the Wellhop library. You’ll find articles, videos and more.

가입자 자료

이용 가능한 자료 보기(모달 창 열림)

자세히 알아보기

BadgerCare Plus

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