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UnitedHealthcare Connected® for MyCare Ohio(메디케어-메디케이드 플랜)



This plan is for adults who need extra support and care. You may qualify based on income and health needs. The plan offers members a customized care plan and a single point of contact for all Medicare and Medicaid services. The plan also offers extra support and care to adults and children with a disability, long-term illness or special health care needs. You get many services to help with daily activities that other MyCare Ohio plans don’t offer. View the benefits below to see all that it offers.

More information on eligibility and enrollment can be found on www.ohiomh.com, or by calling the Medicaid Hotline at 1-800-324-8680, TTY 1-800-292-3572. The Hotline operates from 7 오전 to 8 오후m local time, Monday through Friday and 8 오전 to 5 오후, local time, on Saturday.

  • UnitedHealthcare Connected® for MyCare Ohio (Medicare-Medicaid Plan) 가입하기 위한 단계
  • 자격 확인(모달 창 열림)

혜택 및 특징

건강 및 질병 관리

If you just need a checkup or if you are injured or sick, you will have access to the care you may need. 다음이 포함됩니다.

  • Unlimited PCP Visits. See your doctor as often as needed.
  • Nurse Hotline. Speak with a registered nurse 24/7. 1-800-542-8630번으로 전화하십시오.
  • Lab and X-rays. Lab tests, x-rays and diagnostic imaging are covered.
  • Therapy Services. Physical and other needed therapies are covered.
  • Urgent Care. Convenient care for a sudden illness or injury.

A healthy mom is more likely to have a healthy baby. Pregnancy is an important time for women to take good care of themselves and their unborn baby. We have a special program for pregnant members.

If you have asthma, diabetes or another chronic condition, you can depend on us. Our plan helps you get the care, support and services you may need. 혜택에는 다음이 포함됩니다.

  • Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Counseling and other treatments are covered.
  • Care Management. Personal support from an experienced professional.
  • Asthma and COPD Care. Exams, testing and supplies are covered for asthma and other lung diseases.
  • Kidney Disease Care. Dialysis, medicine and treatments are covered.

We help members keep their vision, smile and hearing in the best shape possible. 혜택에는 다음이 포함됩니다.

  • Vision. Eye exams are covered every year for members age 21-59.
  • Dental. We pay for an exam every six months for members over the age of 21.
  • Hearing. Tests, checkups and hearing aids, if needed, are provided.

You get the medical care and equipment you may need to live safely at home. 혜택에는 다음이 포함됩니다.

  • Equipment and Supplies. In-home medical and safety equipment are covered.
  • 케어 코디네이터. Someone to get you the services after surgery or illness.
  • Home Health Care. Medical and personal care in your home, if needed.

Sometimes members need a little extra help using their health plan. For those times, they can rely on:

  • Transportation. We provide non-emergency transportation to covered health care services.
  • 가입자 서비스. Someone to help you get the most from your plan. Member Services has access to Aunt Bertha database to help members connect to community services.
  • 언어 지원. 가입자 서비스를 통해 통역사와 연결해 드립니다.

Adult Day Care

Companionship is important. Adult day care provides care and companionship for seniors who who qualify for extra help during the day.

Caregivers also benefit, knowing their loved one is well cared for and safe during the day.

If your need for long‑term care has been determined by Ohio Medicaid, Adult day care can provide:

  • Social connections and friendship.
  • Meals.

Asthma and COPD Care

Individual care to help control asthma and other lung diseases.

Some members may have trouble managing asthma or COPD symptoms. For them, a nurse who specializes in breathing issues can really help. They get a customized treatment plan and medicine to help you:

  • Manage flare-ups.
  • Reduce symptoms.
  • Help you stay active.

의료 관리

Members get a get a Personal Care Manager. The care manager is there for you throughout your medical journey. 다음을 수행합니다.

  • Work with you to develop a plan of care that meets your individual needs.
  • Coordinate with family members, caregivers and health care providers.
  • Help get additional services or support you may need.

Chiropractor Services

Our plan includes visits for chiropractic care. Whether chiropractor services are your primary or alternative treatment method, you're covered.

Members of all ages can get up to 15 visits per year. Members under 21 may get additional visits with prior authorization.

의사 선택

From regular checkups to preventive health screenings, we want to make sure you get access to the right care at the right time.

You get a primary care physician (PCP), who is your main doctor. If you don't have a doctor or if your doctor is not in our network, we can help you find a new one close to you.

귀하의 PCP는 다음을 주로 담당하는 주치의입니다.

  • 예방적 건강 관리
  • 질병 또는 상해에 대한 치료
  • 특정 상태에 대한 전문가 소개

치아 관리

Regular exams help keep teeth and gums strong and healthy. Oral exams are covered once per year for members over age 21.

장비 및 소모품

Our plan covers some medical equipment ordered by a member's doctor or case manager. 다음과 같은 소모품이 필요할 수 있습니다.

  • Walkers
  • Wheelchairs
  • 병상

발 관리

We provide the exams and treatments needed to help keep your feet in great shape. And for those with diabetes, good foot care can help prevent much more serious problems.

발치료 보험 적용 범위는 다음과 같습니다.

  • Routine foot exams.
  • 발 관리 및 알맞은 신발 선택에 대한 팁
  • Therapeutic shoes and inserts for members with diabetes.

청력 관리

Trouble hearing can affect a person's everyday life in many ways. 당사 플랜에는 청력을 보호하는 데 도움이 되는 서비스 및 지원이 포함되어 있습니다.

당사 플랜은 다음을 보장합니다.

  • 검사, 치료 및 테스트
  • Hearing aids, batteries, and accessories.


If you are living with a long-term health condition, disability or leaving the hospital after surgery or a serious illness, you may need extra support. This can include help with day-to-day tasks like cleaning, cooking or dressing. 회복 상태를 확인하기 위한 가정 방문 진료가 필요할 수도 있습니다.

With approval, our plan may cover:

  • 가정 방문 진료
  • 병원 침대, 보행 보조기, 휠체어 등의 의료 장비
  • A home health aide, nursing services or a private nurse.
  • Physical, occupational, and speech therapy.
  • 개인 위생 또는 가사 보조
  • Home infusion therapy.


This plan pays for most expenses related to a hospital stay, so you can rest and heal.

Our plan covers these services and more:

  • 간호
  • 숙식
  • 소모품 및 장비
  • 치료 및 요법
  • 진단 검사 및 검진

퇴원한 후에도 혼자가 아닙니다. 자택에서 후속 치료를 통해 계속 치료를 받을 수 있도록 보장해 줍니다.

Language and Interpretation

담당 의사와 귀하는 서로를 이해해야 합니다. We can explain information in 영어 or in your primary language. If you are visually or hearing impaired, special help can be provided.

신장 질환 치료

신장 질환은 중증 질환입니다. After the kidneys stop working regular treatments, called renal dialysis, or an organ transplant are needed to live. 투석 시에는 건강한 신장의 기능과 동일한 기능을 가진 기계를 사용하여 혈액을 정화합니다.

Our services may include:

  • 투석
  • Needed equipment and supplies.
  • Home support services.
  • Health education and training.


Our plan includes prescription drugs and refills for prescriptions written by your doctor or specialist. Thousands of drugs are covered.

You pay a co-pay amount, if needed, and you can get your prescription drugs at any in-network pharmacy.

Member Services Representative

Every member of the health plan gets a personal Members Services representative. This person can help you get the most of your benefits. 가입자 지원 담당자는 다음 서비스를 제공할 수 있습니다

  • Welcome you to the plan and help you understand your benefits.
  • Arrange for extra support services.
  • Complete a health risk assessment.
  • Help you access community services.

Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services

Get help with personal problems that may affect your mental or physical health. These may include stress, depression, anxiety or drugs and alcohol abuse. Our services also include:

  • Therapy
  • Counseling
  • 의약품

Nurse Advice

곤란한 경우에 의학적 문제 및 상황이 발생하기도 합니다. 건강에 관해 궁금한 사항이 있는 경우 간호사에게 하루에 24시간, 일주일에 7일 전화할 수 있습니다.

당사 간호사는 다음을 도와드립니다.

  • 증상에 관한 내용 청취
  • 자기 관리 지원
  • 의사 방문 시 또는 응급 치료 센터에서 진료를 받는 방법에 관해 조언합니다.
  • 응급실에 가야 할 때를 알려드립니다.

Obesity Care

Obesity is common and serious. It can also lead to other health problems. To help our members be their best, our plan includes:

  • Screening for obesity.
  • Counseling for obesity.


대부분의 사람들은 흡연이 건강에 미치는 악영향을 알고 있습니다. 금연해야 한다는 사실도 압니다. We support our members with coaching while they quit.

치료 서비스

Therapy can help you recover from a serious injury or illness, or simply reach your full potential. Members receive needed:

  • 작업 치료
  • 물리 치료
  • Respiratory therapy.
  • 언어 치료

긴급 치료

생명을 위협하지는 않지만 즉각적인 치료를 요하는 부상 또는 급성 질환도 있습니다. 따라서 당사 플랜은 다음과 같은 케어를 보장합니다.

  • 응급 치료 센터
  • Federally qualified health centers.
  • 기타 예약이 필요 없는 클리닉

시력 관리

Eye exams are covered every year for members age 21-59.

UnitedHealthcare Connected® for MyCare Ohio(메디케어-메디케이드 플랜)

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