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UnitedHealthcare Community Plan 용어해설


  • 사전 의료 지시서/사전연명의료 의향서(Advance Directive)

    직접 말할 수 없는 경우에 대비하여 미리 의료 관리에 대해 결정한 사항들입니다. This will let your family and your doctors know what decisions you would make if you were able to.


    Ambulatory surgical center/short procedure unit.


  • 혜택

    Services, procedures and medications that UnitedHealthcare Community Plan will cover for you.


  • Clinical Care Management

    One-on-one help by a nurse providing education and coordination of UnitedHealthcare Community Plan benefits, tailored to your needs.


  • Disenrollment

    To stop your membership in UnitedHealthcare Community Plan.


  • Emergency(응급 상황)

    A situation where your health, or the health of an unborn baby, could be threatened. Medical help is needed right away.


  • Federal Poverty Level (FPL)

    Poverty income thresholds by family size that are annually updated by the Census Bureau for inflation.

  • 사기(Fraud)

    An untruthful act – an example is someone other than you using your UnitedHealthcare Community Plan member ID card and pretending to be you.


  • Home Health Agency

    A company hired by UnitedHealthcare Community Plan to provide care for you in your home.


  • ID Card

    An identifcation card that says you are a UnitedHealthcare Community Plan member. 이 카드를 항상 소지해야 합니다.

  • Informed Consent

    모든 의학적 치료는 본인에게 설명하며, 본인은 해당 치료를 이해하고 동의합니다.

  • 입원 환자

    일정 기간 병원에서 생활하도록 허가되는 경우입니다.


  • Medical Necessity

    Your health care provider decides if a treatment, admission, procedure, medical supply, equipment, service or supply is medically necessary.

  • 가입자

    A person who is eligible for UnitedHealthcare Community Plan


  • Primary Care Physician (PCP)

    A doctor you choose to be your family physician. They have their own private practices.

  • Prior Authorization

    Your NC Medicaid Managed Care health plan’s method of pre-approving certain services.

  • 제공자

    Any medical professional that UnitedHealthcare Community Plan has contracted with to take care of you.

  • 의료 서비스 제공자 주소록

    A list of providers who participate with UnitedHealthcare Community Plan to help take care of your healthcare needs.


  • Special Needs Unit (SNU)

    A voluntary service offered by UnitedHealthcare Community Plan that can give you extra help in understanding and using your benefits if you have a disability or other special need.

  • 전문의(Specialist)

    특정 상태 또는 질병에 대한 특수 교육을 받은 의사입니다.


  • 긴급 치료

    Urgent care appointments for physical or behavioral illness injuries which require care immediately but are not emergencies such as high temperature, persistent vomiting or diarrhea, symptoms which are of sudden or severe onset but which do not require emergency room services, you must been seen within twenty-four (24) hours.


  • WIC

    Women, Infants and Children program, a supplemental nutrition program that provides nutritious food, education support and health care referrals for women, infants and children.

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UnitedHealthcare Community Plan

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