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At UnitedHealthcare Community Plan, we understand that the health care system can be complex and confusing. We know it can be especially stressful when your health care plan changes. UnitedHealthcare Community Plan will be with you every step of the way.

We want to make sure our members have access to the quality care they need and deserve. Our large network includes the doctors you already know and trust. That’s what you can count on with UnitedHealthcare Community Plan. View the list below to see what STAR Kids includes.

Language and Interpreter Services

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan has staff that speaks 영어 and Spanish. If you speak another language or are hearing impaired and need help, call Member Services at 1-877-597-7799 or TTY 711 for hearing impaired.

If you need materials in audio, Braille, larger print and in other languages at your request. Please call 1-877-597-7799 for help.

  • STAR Kids Steps to Enroll
  • 자격 확인(모달 창 열림)

Need help finding a provider or setting up a visit?

월요일~금요일 8 오전-5 오후, 1-877-597-7799, TTY 7-1-1번으로 회원 서비스에 전화하시거나 이메일 memberservices_uhccp@uhc.com 을(를) 통해 제공자를 찾거나 방문 일정을 잡으시기 바랍니다.

혜택 및 특징

건강 및 질병 관리

Get the assistance you need to stay healthy — or to get better if you are injured or sick. And pregnant moms get extra support to keep you and your baby healthy. 다음이 포함됩니다.

  • Hospital Care. You pay nothing for care in a hospital.
  • Lab and X-rays. Lab tests, x-rays and diagnostic imaging are covered.
  • Transportation. We pay for rides to and from medical visits or pharmacy.
  • Well Visits. Annual checkups can help keep you healthy.

If your child has asthma, diabetes or another long-term condition, you can depend on us. The STAR Kids Plan makes sure your child gets the care and services he or she needs. 혜택에는 다음이 포함됩니다.

  • Case Management. Personal support from an experienced professional.
  • Asthma Support. Individual care to help control asthma or COPD.
  • Mental Health. Counseling and other treatments are available.

Help protect your child’s sight, hearing and smile with these benefits:

  • Vision. Includes exams and $105 toward frames or contact lenses.
  • Hearing. 필요한 경우 검사, 검진 및 보청기가 제공됩니다.
  • Dental. Most children and young adults age 20 and younger with Medicaid or CHIP coverage get dental services through a managed care dental plan. The dental plans listed below provide services across the state for all Medicaid and CHIP members who qualify for dental coverage. 
    • DentaQuest
    • UnitedHealthcare Dental

Get the medical equipment, assistance and supplies you need to live safely at home. 혜택에는 다음이 포함됩니다.

  • Personal Care. Someone to help with dressing, bathing and dining.
  • Equipment and Supplies. In-home medical and safety equipment are covered.
  • 유예가료 간병인에게 휴가를 줄 수 있는 재가 지원 서비스입니다.

Sometimes you might need a little extra help using your child's health plan. 그러한 경우에 다음과 같은 지원을 받을 수 있습니다.

  • Transportation. We offer rides to and from medical visits or the pharmacy.
  • Interpreters. An interpreter can go with you to medical visits.
  • Language Help. Translated medical materials are available at no cost.
  • Member Services. Your benefit questions are answered 24/7.

Read about all the extras your child could get as a STAR Kids member:

  • Exercise Kit. Includes one pedometer, one pack of resistance bands, and one water bottle for members who want to become more active. 
  • Online Mental Health Resources. Access articles, videos, and other resources at LiveandWorkWell.com 
  • Healthy First Steps®. Pregnant members who enroll in Healthy First Steps Babyscripts will receive access to free educational content, resources, and rewards for going to prenatal and postpartum visits.
  • Extra Benefits. Sports and school physicals offered at no cost

Learn more about Value-added Services 영어 | Español

If your child or young adult is disabled or living with an illness, your child’s health needs are unique. Our job is to make it as easy as possible for you to meet those needs. We make sure you get all your Medicaid benefits and more.

  • Choice of Doctor. Find a primary doctor in your neighborhood. Your doctor can send you to thousands of specialists too.
  • Nurse HotlineSM. Your caregiver can call our nurses for advice 24/7.
  • Medicines. Get the medicine you need at a pharmacy near you or by mail order.
  • 안과 및 치과. 정기적인 안과 및 치과 검사를 받습니다. 당사는 안경과 콘택트 렌즈도 보장합니다.
  • Mental Health. Counseling and other treatments are covered.
  • Service Coordinator. Someone to help you manage complex health conditions.
  • Transportation. We pay for rides to and from medical visits or the pharmacy.
  • Value-added benefits. Earn free gift cards when you take healthy steps. You’ll get rewards for yearly wellness exams, along with other benefits.

Our STAR Kids Plan is for persons on the HCBS waivers CLASS, HCS, TxHML, DBMD and in ICF-IDD facilities. Learn more here

Asthma and COPD Care

One hypoallergenic mattress cover and one hypoallergenic pillowcase for qualifying members with a diagnosis of severe asthma.

사례 관리

자녀에게 심각한 건강 문제가 있습니까? If so, our case managers are in your corner. 다음을 수행합니다.

  • 의학 용어를 쉬운 말로 설명합니다.
  • Coordinate your doctor appointments.
  • Provide your care team with your medical records.

Your case manager will stay with you on your child's medical journey. 다음을 수행합니다.

  • Think beyond your medical needs.
  • Make sure you have support at home.

따라서 자녀가 호전되도록 지원하는 데 집중할 수 있습니다.

의사 선택

자녀의 주치의가 되는 PCP(일차 진료 의사)를 배정받습니다. 의사 찾아보기 도구를 사용하여 자녀의 담당 의사가 당사 네트워크 소속인지 확인할 수 있습니다.

If your child doesn't have a doctor or if their doctor is not in our network, we can help you find a new one close to you.

귀하의 PCP는 다음을 주로 담당하는 주치의입니다.

  • 예방적 건강 관리
  • Treatment if your child is sick or injured.
  • 특정 상태에 대한 전문가 소개

치아 관리

Checkups, routine and emergency care are covered.

Exams and cleanings every six months help keep teeth and gums strong and healthy. If there is a dental problem that needs to be fixed, that's covered as well.

장비 및 소모품

당사의 플랜은 담당 의사 또는 사례 관리자가 주문하는 의료 장비를 보장해 드립니다. 다음이 포함됩니다.

  • Hospital bed.
  • Oxygen tank.
  • Walker or wheelchair.

Extra Benefits

Sports and school physicals at no cost to you.

Our plan covers up to two free physicals each year so your child can:

  • Go to camp.
  • Join a team.
  • Play a school sport.


This plan pays for all expenses related to a hospital stay, so your child can rest and heal.

다음이 포함됩니다.

  • 간호
  • 숙식
  • 소모품 및 장비
  • 치료 및 요법
  • 진단 검사 및 검진

After your child leaves the hospital, you are not alone. We make sure your child gets follow-up care to continue healing at home.


자녀의 담당 의사와 귀하는 서로를 이해해야 합니다. 영어로 말하지 못하면 진료가 어려워집니다. We can arrange for a medical interpreter to be at your child's appointment.

We have people at our phone centers that speak more than one language. A service lets us connects with others that speak hundreds of languages.

언어 지원

You can ask to receive information in another language. Then anything we write to you will only be in that language. 이 혜택은 무료로 제공됩니다.


자녀의 의약품을 구입하기가 쉬워집니다.

There are no copays for covered drugs. You can fill your child's prescriptions at:

  • 현지 약국
  • Services that deliver routinely right to your door.

We also cover over-the-counter medicines with a written order from your child's doctor.

가입자 서비스

Sometimes you might need a little help understanding your child's health care options. With us, you have someone you can call 24/7. 귀하의 질문에 이해하기 쉬운 방식으로 완벽하게 대답해 드립니다.

또한, 다음을 찾는 데 도움을 드릴 수 있습니다.

  • 가정 의료 서비스 제공자.
  • Dentists and vision providers.

정신 건강

정신 건강도 육체 건강 못지않게 중요합니다. That's why we have the same coverage for both.

필요한 진료가 본인 부담금 없이 100% 보장됩니다. 다음이 포함됩니다.

  • 행동요법
  • 의약품

보장되는 서비스에는 어떤 비용도 지급하지 않습니다.

No Copays

While your health care is low-cost or free, the care quality is high. 제공되는 혜택은 다음과 같습니다.

  • Care from highly skilled and compassionate doctors.
  • Treatments at respected hospitals and clinics.
  • Home medical equipment and supplies to help your child be at his or her best.

간호사 핫라인

곤란한 경우에 의학적 문제 및 상황이 발생하기도 합니다. When you have questions about your health or your child's health, you can call a trained nurse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Our Nurse Hotline nurses will:

  • 증상을 경청합니다.
  • 자기 관리를 안내합니다.
  • 의사 방문 시 또는 응급 치료 센터에서 진료를 받는 방법에 관해 조언합니다.
  • Suggest you go right to the emergency department.

Personal Visits

필요한 경우 다음을 보조할 사람을 제공합니다.

  • 옷입기
  • 목욕
  • 식사

간병 휴식

We provide respite care to give caregivers a rest. Respite care offers caregivers time away from their loved one who has special care needs to run errands or just relax.

서비스 코디네이터

Every STAR Kids member gets a service coordinator. Your child’s service coordinator will visit with your family in person to go over your child’s health care needs. At these visits you will talk about the services your child is getting and other services your child may need. 

Together you will create a care plan that works best for your family. Your care plan may include:

  • Acute medical services.
  • 정신 건강 서비스.
  • Primary care services.
  • Special care services.
  • Value-added services.

Your service coordinator can also help you.

  • Arrange care with your primary care provider and with specialists.
  • Connect your family with community programs and additional services.
  • Answer questions about benefits.
  • Help coordinate benefits with other providers.

Transition Specialist

What is a Transition Specialist? What will a Transition Specialist do for me?

For children with special health care needs, the transition to adulthood often brings many changes. A Transition Specialist can help you understand and plan for these changes. All STAR Kids members have access to a Transition Specialist.

How can I talk to a Transition Specialist?

If you want to speak with a Transition Specialist or have a Transition Specialist as part of your Care Team, let your Service Coordinator know and he or she can help you.


Whether you live in the city or in the country, rides are available. Our plan provides up to round trips to and from plan locations. This includes trips to and from the pharmacy to fill your prescriptions.

Vaccines and Immunizations

All of the immunizations your child needs are covered.

시력 관리

Your child can get the care, eyeglasses and treatment that lets him or her see life more clearly. Coverage includes $105 each year toward frames or contact lenses.

This benefit is offered by certain stores and retailers.

가입자 자료

가입자 자원(모달 창 열기)

자세히 알아보기


가입 정보

The 텍사스 STAR Kids plan specialists can answer questions and help you enroll.

전화 문의:
1-877-597-7799 / TTY: 711

주 7일 8:00 오전 - 5:00 오후(현지 시간)

가입 방법
세부 정보

Visit the 텍사스 CHIP & Medicaid site for more information on eligibility and enrollment.

텍사스 STAR Kids

For information in alternate formats, like large print, Braille or audio, please call Member Services.

가입자 정보

기존 가입자이신가요? 가입자 전용 웹 사이트에 액세스할 수 있습니다. ID 카드를 인쇄하고, 온라인 채팅을 통해 간호사와 상담하고, 기타 서비스를 받습니다. 

Member information is available in paper form, at no cost, upon request, and sent by the health plan within five business days.

가입자 웹사이트

At UnitedHealthcare we want to make sure you can access all the benefits your plan provides.

If you’ve had a change in your health status and your doctor determines you need a wheelchair, your plan is here for you.

To make sure you get the equipment you need with the coverage you have, follow these simple steps.

You may need a wheelchair evaluation referral from a healthcare provider in your plan’s network for wheelchairs with special features.

Next a Durable Medical Equipment or DME vendor in your health plan network is located.

In many cases, your healthcare provider can help locate an in-network provider and send the referral.

If the health care provider does not complete this step we can help you find an in-network provider and schedule an appointment.

It is important to understand what your insurance does and does not cover, so that you don’t have unexpected expenses.

And we can help you with that.

Once the referral has been sent to the identified provider the evaluation will be performed by a physical therapist, an occupational therapist or a physiatrist who specializes in determining proper seating and positioning.

This evaluation may take place in your home or in the DME provider’s office.

If the assessment takes place at the provider office, be sure to bring your wheelchair with you if you have one.

During the visit you may be asked to provide additional information including your health status and risk factors, transportation needs, and information on your home environment (if the assessment does not take place in your home).

Wheelchairs may take anywhere from 60 to 90 calendar days to be delivered.

Factors such as supply chain issues and availability of parts may cause additional delay.

Your DME provider can assist you with a loaner chair during the waiting period if needed.

When your new wheelchair is delivered be sure to sit in it to ensure proper fit and adjustments.

And even if you have experience with wheelchairs do take the time for the vendor to provide instructions on the use of the chair and its features, care and maintenance.

If any equipment you are requesting is not a covered benefit you may be asked to pay out of pocket for the equipment.

The vendor should provide you with a clear explanation of why it is not part of your benefits.

Generally, a wheelchair should last at least five years, although growing children may need a new chair more often.

If you already use a wheelchair and it’s damaged and unable to be repaired you may also be eligible for a new wheelchair.

Over time your insurance and DME providers may change.

So, be sure and keep all the information about the chair, the DME provider, the coverage and any documentation on any repairs or changes made.

Remember, if you have any questions or need more information visit https://member.uhc.com/communityplan or call member services at the number on the back of your member ID card.