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UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of California Medi-Cal


UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of 캘리포니아 includes a range of benefits. Children, pregnant women, families, adults and seniors and people with disabilities may qualify based on income. View the benefits below to see what our plan covers.

If you have Medi-Cal benefits, your coverage will need to be renewed every year. The county will send you a Medi-Cal renewal form. Complete this form and return it to your local county human services agency. You can also visit or call your local human services agency. To find an office near you, visit the San Diego Health & Human Service Agency website.

If you lose Medi-Cal coverage, you may enroll in health insurance coverage through Covered 캘리포니아 in the special-enrollment period due to a loss of coverage.

지난 2년 동안 귀하의 연락처 정보가 변경되었습니까? Give your county office your updated contact information so you can stay enrolled. Find your local county office.

혜택 및 특징

건강 및 질병 관리

Get the assistance you need to be at your best — or to get better if you are injured or sick. 다음이 포함됩니다.

  • 건강 검진. Annual checkups to help keep you healthy. 
  • 의사 선택. 당사 네트워크에서 신뢰할 수 있는 의사를 찾아보십시오. 
  • 예방주사 및 백신. Routine shots to help protect against illness. 
  • 긴급 치료. Convenient care for a sudden illness or injury. 
  • 간호사 핫라인. Speak with a registered nurse 24/7. Call 1-866-270-5785.
  • 검사실 및 X-레이. 검사실 검사, X-레이 및 진단 영상이 보장됩니다. 

Nothing is more important than the health and well-being of a mother and your baby. 그게 바로 당사의 플랜이 다음과 같은 혜택을 제공하는 이유입니다:

  • Choice of Doctor. Find a doctor or OB/GYN you trust in our network. 
  • Prenatal Visits. Care for you before your baby is born.
  • Healthy First Steps®. Get extra support and rewards to keep you and your baby healthy.
  • Text4Baby. Receive text messages with helpful tips and reminders.

때로 곤란한 때에 의학적 문제 및 상황이 발생합니다. 본인의 건강 상태에 관해 궁금한 점이 있는 경우, 간호사와의 전화상담(주 7일, 하루 24시간)을 이용하실 수 있습니다: 1-855-366-5032.

Our Nurse Hotline will:

  • 증상을 경청합니다.
  • 자기 관리 지원
  • 의사 방문 시 또는 응급 치료 센터에서 진료를 받는 방법에 관해 조언합니다.
  • 응급실에 가야 할 때를 알려드립니다.

If you have a life threatening emergency, go immediately to the emergency room or call 911.

천식, 당뇨병 또는 기타 장기 만성 질병을 앓고 있는 경우 당사 서비스를 이용할 수 있습니다. Our plan makes sure you get the care and services you need. 혜택에는 다음이 포함됩니다.

  • Care Manager. If you qualify, get personal help managing health conditions. 
  • 질병 관리. Focused care for those with chronic health needs, like asthma and diabetes. 
  • 정신 건강. 상담 및 기타 치료가 보장됩니다. 
  • Residential Care. Brief stay at a care facility while you recover from sickness or injury.

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of 캘리포니아, Inc. covers Enhanced Care Management (ECM) services for members with highly complex needs. ECM is a benefit that provides extra services to help you get the care you need to stay healthy. It coordinates the care you get from different doctors. ECM helps coordinate primary care, acute care, behavioral health, developmental, oral health, community-based long-term services and supports (LTSS), and referrals to available community resources.

If you qualify, you may be contacted about ECM services. You can also call UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of 캘리포니아, Inc. to find out if and when you can receive ECM. Or talk to your health care provider who can find out if you qualify for ECM and when and how you can receive it.

Covered ECM services

If you qualify for ECM, you will have your own care team, including a care coordinator. This person will talk to you and your doctors, specialists, pharmacists, case managers, social services providers and others to make sure everyone works together to get you the care you need. A care coordinator can also help you find and apply for other services in your community. ECM includes:

  • Outreach and engagement
  • Comprehensive assessment and care management
  • Enhanced coordination of care
  • Health promotion
  • Comprehensive transitional care
  • Member and family support services
  • Coordination and referral to community and social supports

To find out if ECM may be right for you, talk to your UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of 캘리포니아, Inc. representative or health care provider. 

Call Member Services at 1-866-270-5785 (TTY 711).

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of 캘리포니아, Inc. is here 7:00 오전 to 7:00 오후 PST, Monday through Friday, except State holidays. The call is toll free. Or call the 캘리포니아 Relay Line at 711. Visit online at myuhc.com/CommunityPlan.



The plan covers: 

  • Routine eye exam once every 24 months; UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of 캘리포니아, Inc. 
    may pre-approve (prior authorization) additional services as medically necessary. 
  • Eyeglasses (frames and lens) once every 24 months; contact lens when required for medical 
    conditions such as aphakia, aniridia and keratoconus. 

If you are recovering from a serious illness or surgery, you may need extra support. Our plan includes the care and equipment needed to recover safely at home. Some benefits include:

  • 장비 및 소모품. In-home medical and safety equipment. 
  • 가정간호. Medical and personal care in your home, if medically needed.

Sometimes members need a little extra help using their health plan. 그러한 경우에 다음과 같은 지원을 받을 수 있습니다.

  • Transportation. Get rides to and from doctor appointments and more. 
  • 언어 지원. Translated materials and interpreters who are ready to help you 24/7. 
  • 가입자 서비스. Available 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. PT, Monday – Friday. 
  • Member Advocate. Local advocates to get you information, services and care. 
  • Nurse Hotline℠. 등록된 간호사와 주 7일/하루 24시간, 언제든지 상담할 수 있습니다. 1-866-270-5785번으로 전화하십시오.

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of 캘리포니아, Inc. has health education programs, services and materials to help you improve your health and manage illness at no cost to you. 

  • Health Education Resource Library: Many of the materials are offered in different languages and/or in formats for the hard of hearing and visually impaired.
  • Health Education Classes: UnitedHealthcare is partnering with Champions for Health to sponsor virtual health education classes about multiple topics such as Chair Yoga, Childhood Health, Cooking Demo, Women’s Health, and Diabetes. The classes will be offered to our members and the community at no cost in 영어 and Spanish.

To enroll in a class, download the Health Education Class Schedule in 영어 or Spanish or visit championsforhealth.org/virtual-health-education-classes to register.
For questions about our health education programs, please call 866-782-2037 or email uhchealthed@uhc.com.

케어 관리사

Do you have a serious health problem? If so, our case managers are in your corner. 다음을 수행합니다.

  • 의학 용어를 쉬운 말로 설명합니다.
  • Coordinate your doctor appointments.
  • Provide your care team with your medical records.

The care manager will stay with you throughout your medical journey. 다음을 수행합니다.

  • Think beyond your medical needs.
  • Make sure you have support at home.


의사 선택

Each member can choose a primary care physician (PCP). Use the “Doctor Lookup” tool to see if your doctor is in our network. 

귀하의 PCP는 다음을 주로 담당하는 주치의입니다.

  • 예방적 건강 관리
  • 질병 또는 상해에 대한 치료
  • 특정 상태에 대한 전문가 소개

주치의가 없거나 의사가 당사 네트워크에 속해 있지 않은 가입자의 경우 가까운 새 의사를 찾아 드릴 수 있습니다.  

Community supports

캘리포니아 Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) establishes the framework to address social determinants of health and improve health equity statewide.

A key feature of CalAIM is the introduction of a menu of in lieu of Community Supports.

What Are Community Supports?
Community Supports are services or settings that the Plan may offer in place of services or settings covered under the 캘리포니아 Medicaid State Plan and that are medically appropriate, cost-effective alternatives to a State Plan covered service.
Community Supports are optional for the Plan to offer and for Members to utilize. The Plan will not require Members to use Community Supports instead of a service or setting.

Community Supports that may be offered are:

  • Housing Transition and Navigation Services
  • Housing Deposits
  • Housing Tenancy and Sustaining Services
  • Short-Term Post-Hospitalization Housing
  • Recuperative Care (Medical Respite)
  • Respite Services
  • Medically Supportive Food/ Meals/Medically Tailored Meals
  • Sobering Centers

For more information, call Member Services at 1-877-650-1477 (TTY 711)

Diabetes Prevention Program

Diabetes Prevention Program is a covered benefit offered to our eligible members designed to assist in preventing or delaying the onset of Type 2 Diabetes by making lifestyle changes.

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan is pleased to offer a healthy lifestyle program at no cost to qualified members. The program can help you make small changes to live a healthy life, lose weight and lower your chance of developing type 2 diabetes.

To see if you qualify:

질병 관리

당사 질병 관리 서비스는 만성 질병 또는 고위험 질병을 앓고 있는 가입자를 위해 설계되었습니다.

당사는 다음 질병에 대해 특별한 프로그램을 마련하고 있습니다.

  • 만성 폐쇄성 폐 질환(COPD)
  • Coronary artery disease (CAD)
  • Congestive heart failure (CHF)
  • 당뇨병
  • High Risk Pregnancy and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
  • 겸상적 혈구병



장비 및 소모품

가정에서 안전하게 생활하기 위해 추가적인 지원이 필요한 가입자도 있습니다.

Our plan covers medical equipment ordered by a member's doctor or care manager. 다음과 같은 소모품이 필요할 수 있습니다.

  • 산소 탱크
  • 보행보조기구 또는 휠체어

발 관리

We provide the exams needed to help keep feet in great shape. And for those with diabetes, good foot care can help prevent much more serious problems.

발치료 보험 적용 범위는 다음과 같습니다.

  • Routine foot exams.
  • 발 관리 및 알맞은 신발 선택에 대한 팁
  • 신경 손상의 위험 신호에 대한 정보


Healthy First Steps®

Healthy First Steps를 통해 귀하와 아기의 건강한 미래를 준비하고 많은 리워드까지 받으세요. 저희 프로그램은 귀하와 아기를 건강하게 유지하기 위한 올바른 조치를 취할 것입니다. 게다가 가입만 해도 20달러를 받을 수 있습니다. 

당사는 다음과 같은 경우에 가입자에게 도움을 드립니다.

  • 임신 진료 제공자 및 소아과 의사(소아 의사)를 선택하는 경우.
  • 진료 및 검진을 예약하고 병원 방문을 위한 교통편을 준비하는 경우.
  • 전체 임신 기간과 출산 후 첫 15개월 동안 방문할 때마다 리워드를 받는 경우.
  • 수유모를 위한 유축기 등 소모품을 받는 경우.
  • 여성, 영유아 및 어린이(WIC) 서비스와 같은 커뮤니티 리소스에 연결하는 경우.


After surgery or a serious illness, you may need extra help with day-to-day tasks. 회복 상태를 확인하기 위한 가정 방문 진료가 필요할 수도 있습니다. With approval from your doctor, our plan covers:

  • In-home medical visits.
  • 병원 침대, 보행 보조기, 휠체어 등의 의료 장비
  • 일회용 의료 소모품
  • Help with personal care.


This plan pays for all expenses related to a hospital stay - the member will never be changed. 당사 플랜은 다음을 보장합니다.

  • 숙식
  • 소모품 및 장비
  • 치료 및 요법  
  • 진단 검사 및 검진

And after leaving the hospital, you are not alone. We make sure the follow-up care is available to continue healing at home.


UnitedHealthcare offers services to help you talk with your doctor or other health care workers. You can get this service if you do not speak 영어 or have hearing and speech barriers. You do not need a referral from your doctor to get these services.

Interpreter services are offered free of charge.

Labs and X-Rays

문제가 무엇인지 알고 또 이를 일찍 발견할 수 있다면 그 차이는 큽니다. 당사 플랜은 다음을 보장합니다.

  • 검사실 및 검사
  • X-레이, 스캔 및 기타 영상 처리

건강을 개선하거나 최상의 상태를 유지하는 데 필요한 정보를 얻을 수 있도록 지원해 드립니다.

언어 지원

You may be able to receive information in your preferred language or format, including Braille. 요청하기만 하면 됩니다. We also have people at our member service centers who speak more than one language. 당사는 여러 언어의 통역자를 보유하고 있습니다. All languages required by the State of 캘리포니아 are covered, plus more.


Prescriptions and certain over-the-counter items are covered by our plan.

You may receive a prescription from a UnitedHealthcare doctor or specialist. You can fill your prescription at any UnitedHealthcare contracted pharmacy. Just show your State Benefit Identification Card (BIC) and your UnitedHealthcare Identification card to the pharmacy when you get your prescriptions filled. 

가입자 지원 담당자

We’re looking out for you. Our local member advocates can help solve problems, provide training and education, and work on issues that concern you.

가입자 지원 담당자는 다음 서비스를 제공할 수 있습니다

  • Answer your questions about your benefits.
  • 의사 문제 또는 불만을 해결하도록 돕습니다.
  • Help you clarify your health care benefits.

가입자 서비스

때로 의료 서비스 옵션을 이해하는 데 약간의 도움이 필요할 수 있습니다. 당사에는 전화로 문의할 수 있는 담당자가 있습니다. We’ll answer your questions simply and completely.

또한, 다음을 찾는 데 도움을 드릴 수 있습니다.

  • Find a doctor.
  • Change your primary care physician.
  • Questions on benefits.

Just call 1-866-270-5785, TTY: 711 Monday - Friday, 7:00 오전 – 7:00 오후 PT.


No Copays

보장되는 서비스에는 어떤 비용도 지급하지 않습니다.

While your health care is low-cost or free, the care quality is high. 제공되는 혜택은 다음과 같습니다. 

  • Care from highly skilled and compassionate doctors.
  • Treatments at respected hospitals and clinics.
  • Prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines.

On My Way

UnitedHealthcare OMW™ (On My Way) is a mobile-friendly website aimed at helping young adults through the process of transitioning into adulthood. This interactive website also makes it fun to learn as you go. Register at www.uhcomw.com and begin the journey.

Outpatient Mental Health

정신 건강도 육체 건강 못지않게 중요합니다. 이런 이유로 당사는 두 가지를 모두 보장해드립니다.

Mental Health Screening:

  • A mental health screening will be completed to determine if you are in mild or moderate distress or have acute impairment of mental, emotional or behavioral functioning.
  • This screening can be completed by a PCP, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of 캘리포니아, Inc. or county mental health plan.

Outpatient Mental Health Services- Covered by UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of 캘리포니아:

  • If your mental health screening results determine you are in mild to moderate distress, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of 캘리포니아 covers the following outpatient mental health services:
    • Outpatient mental health services
    • Individual and group mental health evaluation and treatment (psychotherapy)
    • Psychological testing when clinically indicated to evaluate a mental health condition
      Psychiatric consultation for medical management
    • Screening and Brief Intervention (SBI)
    • Outpatient laboratory, supplies and supplements
    • Drugs (excluding anti-psychotic drugs which are covered by Medi-Cal fee-for-service)
    • Family Counseling
    • Neuro behavioral testing
    • Neuro psychological testing
  • Outpatient mental health services do not require a referral from your PCP.
  • For help finding more information on mental health services provided by UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of 캘리포니아, Inc., call 1-866-270-5785, TTY 711.

Specialty Mental Health Services- Covered by County Mental Health Plan

  • If your mental health screening results determine you have acute impairment of mental, emotional or behavioral functioning, you may be eligible for specialty mental health services.
  • Your PCP or UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of 캘리포니아, Inc. can refer you to the county mental health plan to receive an assessment.
  • County mental health plans cover specialty mental health services for Medi-Cal beneficiaries who meet criteria.
  • Specialty mental health services may include the following inpatient and outpatient services:
    • Outpatient specialty mental health services:
      • Mental health services (assessments, plan development, therapy, rehabilitation, and collateral)
      • Medication support services
      • Day treatment intensive services
      • Day rehabilitation services
      • 위기중재 서비스
      • Crisis stabilization services
      • Targeted case management services
      • Therapeutic behavioral services
      • Intensive care coordination (ICC)
      • Intensive home-based services (IHBS)
      • Therapeutic foster care (TFC)
    • Residential services:
      • Adult residental treatment services
      • Crisis residental treatment services
    • Inpatient services:
      • Acute psychiatric inpatient hospital services.
      • Psychiatric inpatient hospital professional services.
      • Psychiatric health facility services.
  • For help finding more information on specialty mental health services provided by the county mental health plan, call the county at 1-888-724-7240.

개인 위생

질환이나 부상 후에는 기본적인 활동을 스스로 하기가 힘들 수 있습니다. If needed, we provide help with:

  • 옷입기
  • 목욕
  • 식사

태아기 진료

Your pregnancy is a journey you'll want to make with the help of friends, family and a pregnancy doctor, or OB-GYN. 

당사 플랜에서는 권장되는 모든 태아기 임상 진료 및 검사가 보장됩니다.

이러한 진료 시 클리닉에서는 다음을 수행합니다.

  • Make sure both you and your baby are healthy.
  • 임신의 각 단계에서 예상되는 상황을 설명합니다.
  • 질문에 대답해 드립니다.


대부분의 사람들은 흡연이 건강에 미치는 악영향을 알고 있습니다. 금연해야 한다는 사실도 압니다. We support our members to help them quit. 단순히 강의만 제공하는 것은 아닙니다.


Text4baby는 초보 엄마와 예비 엄마가 본인과 아기의 건강을 지키는 데 도움을 줍니다.

You’ll get text messages each week throughout your pregnancy and your baby’s first year. 각 문자는 다음과 같은 주제로 건강 및 안전 팁을 제공합니다.

  • 산전 관리
  • 분만 및 출산
  • 수유
  • 안전한 수면
  • 영양
  • 카시트 안전

  • 이 문자를 참조하여 엄마와 아기로서 첫발을 잘 내딛을 수 있습니다.

    치료 서비스

    Physical, occupational and speech therapy can help members recover from a serious injury or illness, or simply reach their full potential.
    Our plan covers limited visits for:

    • 작업 치료
    • 물리 치료
    • 언어 치료
    • 재가 치료


    Rides can be scheduled at least 30 days in advance, and no later than 3 business days before your appointment. Scheduling your ride at least 3 business days in advance will help you to have the best experience. Urgent care and other urgent types of trips, like dialysis or chemotherapy, can be scheduled on the same day.

    Members can get round trip transportation to and from health care locations as needed, including rides to:  

    • 의사 또는 치료 방문
    • Pickup prescription drugs that cannot be mailed directly to the member
    • Pickup medical supplies, prosthetics, orthotics and other equipment
    • Specialty mental health services
    • 약물 사용 장애 서비스
    • Dental and any other benefits covered through Medi-Cal  

    안과 서비스

    The plan covers: 

    • Routine eye exam once every 24 months; UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of 캘리포니아, Inc. 
      may pre-approve (prior authorization) additional services as medically necessary. 
    • Eyeglasses (frames and lens) once every 24 months; contact lens when required for medical 
      conditions such as aphakia, aniridia and keratoconus. 

    건강 진료

    Well visits with your doctor can help keep you and your family healthy. 이러한 방문으로 건강 문제를 조기에 발견하여 치료를 받을 수 있습니다. 예방 서비스에는 연간 건강검진이

  • 성인 및 어린이를 위한 검진
  • 건강한 육아 진료
  • 출산 예정 여성을 위한 케어
  • 정기 예방 주사 및 검사
  • 유방 X선 사진
  • To File a Complaint or Grievance, Download the GRIEVANCE FORM - 영어 | Español| 아랍어 | 중국어 | Farsi타갈로그어 | 베트남어

    NONDISCRIMINATION NOTICE - 영어 | Español| 아랍어 | 중국어 | Farsi타갈로그어 | 베트남어

    가입자 자료

    이용 가능한 자료 보기(모달 창 열림)
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